In search of a scientific basis for teacher preparation
In search of a scientific basis for teacher preparation (Tr 564-574)
Robert A. Gable
Abstract: Statement of the
Problem: There is growing pressure on school personnel to rely on the use of
evidence-based teaching practices. Unfortunately, research indicates that few beginning
teachers engage in evidence-based practices or do so across time.
Replacement of the hodgepodge of flawed and ineffective strategies with those that are based on strong empirical support poses major challenges.
Replacement of the hodgepodge of flawed and ineffective strategies with those that are based on strong empirical support poses major challenges.
Research Topic: A major challenge exists with regard to the
reform of teacher preparation programs so that they reflect what is known about
the science of teacher education. In addition, once students graduate, ways
must be found to promote the use of evidence-based practices with fidelity.
General findings: First, based on a review of the
literature, it appears that teacher educators should examine critically both
the university curriculum and teaching practices to ensure they have strong
empirical support. Second, the need exists to alignment innovative university
instruction with highly structured field-based experiences. Third, it is
important to provide beginning teachers a systematic ‘induction’ into the
workplace to minimum the disconnect between university and K-12 classrooms.
Finally, there is mounting evidence that coaching represents a powerful tool
for facilitating teacher implementation of evidence-based practices with
Keywords: Teacher preparation;
evidence-based practices; fidelity; teacher induction; coaching; professional
18th August 2016; Revised: 26th October 2016; Accepted: 31st
October 2016
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