On the earliest version of the Miaoshan-Guanyin story in Vietnam: An adaptation of a Chinese narrative in the Nom script
the earliest version of the Miaoshan-Guanyin story in
Vietnam: An adaptation of a Chinese narrative in the Nom script (Tr 552-563)
Berezkin, Nguyen To Lan
Abstract: This article discusses
the origins and special features of the earliest extant Vietnamese version of
the Princess Miaoshan story-the National
Version of the Original Deeds of Guanyin, which forms a hagiography of
Bodhisattva Guanyin; compiled by the monk Thích Chân Nguyên ca.
end of the 17th century. With the use of comparison of different Vietnamese and Chinese versions of this story, we have detected that the National Version of the Original Deeds of Guanyin was based on the Chinese novel Complete Story of Guanyin of the Southern Sea (ca. end of the 16th century), thus contesting the previous views of the Vietnamese scholars on the origins and the history of transmission of the Miaoshan story in Vietnam. This early Vietnamese version represents peculiar features of Sino-Vietnamese cultural exchange in the aspect of Buddhist teaching, including the interchange of written (classical) and popular (vernacular) elements in this story.
end of the 17th century. With the use of comparison of different Vietnamese and Chinese versions of this story, we have detected that the National Version of the Original Deeds of Guanyin was based on the Chinese novel Complete Story of Guanyin of the Southern Sea (ca. end of the 16th century), thus contesting the previous views of the Vietnamese scholars on the origins and the history of transmission of the Miaoshan story in Vietnam. This early Vietnamese version represents peculiar features of Sino-Vietnamese cultural exchange in the aspect of Buddhist teaching, including the interchange of written (classical) and popular (vernacular) elements in this story.
Keywords: Guanyin (Quan Âm); Vietnamese Buddhism; vernacular Buddhist texts; cultural exchange; translation.
11thAugust 2016; Revised: 24th October 2016; Accepted:
26th October 2016
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