DISCUSSIONS AND REVIEWS: Identifying factors affecting the early retirement decisions of employees: Meaning for Vietnam to reduce the potential labour shortages due to the population ageing

Identifying factors affecting the early retirement decisions of employees: Meaning for Vietnam to reduce the potential labour shortages due to the population ageing (587-597)
Nguyen Thi Thu Ha 

Abstract: As the proportion of the elderly population (those aged 60 and over) keeps increasing quickly in most countries in the world, issues related to older people’s employment behavior have drawn a great deal of public attention.
The ageing workforce will result in the labor shortage and place a huge burden on the public pension system in the near future. Therefore, governments are encouraging older workers to continue working later in life, and to delay their retirement to offset the dependence on the support of younger workers. In the attention to delay the retirement age it is interesting and important to identify what factors affect employees’ decisions to early retire. This paper aims to identify factors affecting employee’s decisions to early retire by critical reviewing relevant literatures, which provides administrators and researchers with a specific and deeper view of early retirement intentions of older workers. Then this paper will give recommendations for enabling extended their working lives as well as for reducing the potential labor shortfall for Vietnam in the near future when the society becomes older.
Keywords: Affecting; factors; older workers; retirement decisions; the ageing workforce.
Received: 11th ­ April 2016; Revised: 27th September 2016; Accepted: 10th October 2016
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